Presentation of the book “Il paesaggio agrario tra obsolescenza e degrado” Verona 5 April 2019
On April 5th at 4 p.m. there will be the presentation of the book entitled “Il Passaggio Agrario tra Obsolescenza e Degrado” at the Messedaglia hall at the cloister of Porta Vittoria, Lungadige Porta Vittoria 41, Verona.
he book collects the acts of the Regional Landscape Training Course, held in Verona in the period 8/4/2016 – 10/6/2016.
The course was promoted by the Regional Landscape Observatory together with the University of Verona, with the Federations of Orders of Engineers, Architects, Agronomists/Forestals and Geologists of the Veneto Region.
The training event was a Course of Perfection aimed at 40 professionals from Veneto, enrolled in the professional orders of engineers, architects/urban planners, agronomists/forestry and geologists, as well as 20 technicians of the public administrationwho carry out activities in the field of landscape.
The engineer. Andrea A. Mussolin participated as a speaker in the seminar of 20 May 2016 ” Il Paesaggio industriale, riqualificazione e valorizzazione: metodi di analisi per un intervento sostenibile “.
You can download the seminar keynote here: SEMINARIO_2016_KEYNOTE_MUSSOLIN